Friday, May 25, 2012

Retail Therapy

Happy Geek Pride Day, Towel Day, Carb Day, Follow Friday, 35th Anniversary of Star Wars, and Roast Beef Socks Day!
So, I got a bit of cash for my birthday, so yesterday I took ANOTHER half day, grabbed my girls, and went out for a bit of retail therapy. With money being tight, Shannon’s been a bit down, so we hit Goodwill, Dollar Tree, and Castleton Square.
Goodwill didn’t have much this time around, so we bounced next door to Dollar Tree. There, we picked up some bbq tools and a small toy for the Geekling, then bounced over to Castleton Square with the idea of getting Shannon a Doctor Who t-shirt from Hot Topic, because they carry that sort of thing.
First place we stopped was FYE, because they used to carry a LOT of Doctor Who stuff around Christmas, but the last time I stopped in they had just a couple action figures and that was it.
They had Sonic Screwdrivers, they had action figures, they had playsets and cookie jars and coffee mugs.
And they had this.
It’s called an Adipose, which is living fat, and Mary loves them. Unfortunately, it was a little dirty, worn, and expensive, and she was not a happy camper when we left without it. However, this is her next Amazon gift card gift, so I promised her that she will be getting an Adipose, just not today.
Moving down to Hot Topic, we were disappointed with their selection of shirts and toys, which we had heard was good. However, across the hall from Hot Topic is The Disney Store.
Did you know The Disney Store gives a toddler enough strength and dexterity to drag her 265 lb. father across a crowded mall hallway? Yep, that really happened. Anyway, while we were there, she fell in love with a Nala plush from The Lion King, and since Daddy is a sucker, she now has a Nala in her plush menagerie, and I was able to escape without doing too much more damage to my wallet.
Shannon’s big day was at Bath & Body Works, where she picked up some candles, air fresheners, and lotions that made her feel a lot better. Bonus: the apartment no longer smells like whatever foul concoction the apartment behind ours always seems to be cooking.
For me, we dropped back by FYE on the way out and I ran in, SOLO this time, and grabbed this.

I already have the 10th Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver, and I love the design of the 11th, so I’ve been wanting this for a while. It makes me happy, and it’s currently here at my desk with me along side my towel.
Retail therapy might not make the most sense sometimes, but when you’re given money with the idea to help you relax and forget your troubles, sometimes that what you need to do, and to not share that is a crime.
I hope you all have a great Memorial Day weekend, and I might try to get some stuff up, even though I’m off work until Tuesday.

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